Neuroscience 2016
be sound, brain and mind
- Date
- July 20-22, 2016
- Venue
- Pacifico Yokohama
- President
- Atsushi Iriki (RIKEN Brain Science Institute)

Call for Symposia
Call for Symposia is now closed.
Thank you for submitting many proposals.
Symposium proposals based on the following guidelines are invited. First, we will open a call for proposals from members of the Japan Neuroscience Society. Next, the Program Committee will plan additional symposia in order to adjust any possible imbalances in the symposium topics. Approximately 40 proposals will be selected in total. All society members are encouraged to submit proposals, as we are eagerly anticipating many novel projects and cross-field collaborations.
Deadline: August 31st, 2015 (Mon.) at 12:00 noon (JST)
→ September 7th, 2015 (Mon.) at 12:00 noon (JST) *extended
Selection Criteria
- Priority is given to research fields that are innovative, interdisciplinary, or controversial, in addition to the scientific value/novelty of the topics. Because we wish to introduce new topics from a wide range of disciplines, proposals that are similar to the symposia in the last two meetings will not be highly rated.
- To promote internationalization, recruitment of overseas speakers (regardless of nationality) will be favored.
- Variety in presenters' (or joint organizers') age, gender, and institutional affiliation will be favored. We place special emphasis on participation from female or young researchers. In the spirit of interdisciplinary cooperation, we encourage proposals from presenters (or joint organizers) who are not members of the Japan Neuroscience Society, but are members of relevant academic societies of basic or clinical neuroscience.
Submission Process
Please make your submissions from the 39th Annual Meeting's homepage. The organizer of a given symposium is fully responsible for the content of the submission. In principle, the organizer (along with the joint organizer, if present) is expected to be a symposium chairperson.
- Organizer (one person, must be a member of the Japan Neuroscience Society): Name, affiliation (both Japanese and English), contact information (email, phone number, fax number)
- Joint organizer, if applicable (only one person): Name, affiliation (both Japanese and English), contact information (email, phone number, fax number)
- Symposium title (both Japanese and English)
- Synopsis (Approximately 200 characters in Japanese)
- Intended contribution related to the main theme of the meeting. If the topics are of clinical relevance, please specify. (Approximately 200 characters in Japanese)
- Presenters (4 - 6): Name, affiliation (both Japanese and English)
- Individual presentation titles (both Japanese and English)
- Representative scientific publications of each presenter (1- 2 publications per person)
- Keywords (5)
- Other comments (within 200 characters in Japanese)
Recruitment Details
- Timeframe is 120 minutes for 4 - 6 presenters; presentation is in English; Discussions following the presentations may be in either English or Japanese.
- The main organizer must be a member of the Japan Neuroscience Society. A joint organizer can be added, and the main and joint organizers can chair the session together; however, the main organizer should be responsible for planning, scheduling, and moderating the session. Before submission, the organizer should personally obtain consent for their proposals from all the presenters.
- Conference registration fees will be waived for presenters who are not members of the Japan Neuroscience Society.
- We may ask for similar proposals to be merged, presenters to be adjusted, titles to be changed, and/or extra presenters to be added by selecting from the applications for oral presentations. Due to the limit in the total number of symposia, there is a chance that some proposals may not be selected. Organizers should refrain from making any guarantees to prospective presenters.
- One person cannot submit multiple presentations as a first author, regardless of the presentation categories (symposia, oral sessions, and posters). Symposium presenters cannot be first authors of presentations in other symposia, oral sessions, or posters. Organizers should ask presenters to respect this stipulation.
- The Program Committee will select proposals and also suggest the merging of relevant symposia. The Program Committee will announce the results by end-October 2015. After the announcement of the results, the organizers should ask their symposium presenters to complete their registration and submit their English abstracts within the registration period.
Sponsored Symposia
Some symposia might be provided with financial support by sponsoring companies. If there will be some companies who would like to sponsor symposia after the announcement of results for proposed symposia, the Program Committee will contact the organizers.
- Following the titles of symposia, the names of sponsoring companies will appear in the following format: “Sponsored by XXXX.”
- The above format will be used to display the names of sponsoring companies on the convention website and also in the program booklet.
- In the relevant program section of the convention website (list of companies), a hyperlink will be provided to the sponsoring company's website.
- Promotion of a particular corporation during the symposium is prohibited.
- The only documents approved by both the Executive Committee and the symposium organizer can be distributed during the symposium.
- Even when the organizer selects the sponsoring corporation, it is necessary to inform the Meeting Secretariat. Regardless of a symposium's reliance on corporate sponsorship, please do not give any advance assurances to potential sponsors concerning the likelihood of the proposal being accepted.
Contact: Neuroscience 2016 Secretariat
JTB Communication Design, Inc. (former ICS Convention Design, Inc.)
Celestine Shiba Mitsui Bldg. 3-23-1, Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8335, Japan
Tel: +81-3-5657-0777 / Fax: +81-3-3452-8550
*Contact information has been changed as mentioned above from April, 2016.